Sunday, October 14, 2007

The First Post

Well, tomorrow we leave for Africa! Melinda, Cliff, Daryn, Niall & Su all head off to what promises to be an incredible adventure. We meet with Trevor Sampson in Johannesburg on our way en route to Kinshasa, DR Congo. We'll need to brush up a little on our French, and rely on the Holy Spirit to work through us, and in us. We are greatly anticipating what God is going to do! So join us on this journey - subscribe to the blog so you can be notified when we update the blog. We're not sure exactly how often that will be; it obviously relies on us getting internet access somewhere! Hopefully we'll be able to post some videos too, which will really show you what we're up to!



1 comment:

Nicole said...

Hi Daryn,
Where are you guys??? Keep blogging please! We put a prayer on our fridge for you, just as Melinda asked. The kids made it yellow - they say that's the colour for safety (they were thiking of the safety house program!)
Hope to hear soon with your progress,
Nicole (Tall one, 5 kids)